May 19-27: A Shayna Maidel

From ThreePenny Theatre Company: In this heart-wrenching play, a pair of sisters separated by an ocean, a language, and a war. Find each other in a new way, in a new life.

The shattering loss of life that was the holocaust caused interminable suffering for many. Both for those who were killed, those who survived, and those who saw those watched the ones they used to know and love come back different.

In this enduring story of family tragedy and love, Americanized Rose reunites with her polish sister Lusia after world war two. Lusia still grieving the loss of her innocence and searching for her lost mother and husband, struggles to adjust to the home her father and sister have built for her. Family and faith are tested in the face of horror in A Shayna Maidel, by Barbara Lebow.


ThreePenny Theatre Company is a non-profit that seeks to create original art and help assist and empower impoverished communities.

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