This months show to celebrate Pride Month will hang until the end of June with a gallery stroll June 17th from 6-9.
“If the term “queer” is to be a site of collective contestation, the point of departure or a set of historical reflections and futural imaginings, it will have to remain that which is, in the present, never fully owned, but always and only redeployed, twisted, queered from a prior usage and in the direction of urgent and expanding political purposes.” -Judith Butler (1993)
In celebration of Pride month, the Urban Arts Gallery presents “The Colorful Collective,” a new iteration of our annual SLC Queer show. The exhibition will pay homage to the tribulations of the queer experience in Utah where it is imperitave to remain authentic, regardless of the “box” the surrounding community may attempt to apply. The included art is created by Queer-identified artists and relates to Queer themes, including the concepts of embracing one’s own colorful being regardless of identity, shedding one’s proverbial skin, and spreading one’s inspirational light to others. The show also highlights the importance of understanding and communicating Queer history and education. The included artworks emphasize that we can only be stronger in unity and that together, we can transform the darkness in our world into one Colorful Collective.